Energy Efficient Design

The effective utilization of resources and the sustainable use of our environment are a requirement of our time. HS-Luftfilterbau GmbH stirves to optimzie it's ISO 14001 certified production by the useage of innovative materials and to increase the energy efficiency of our products. Most of our prodcuts haven proven in the field that high filtration efficiency does not exclude a reduction of the operational costs.


HS Luftfilterbau supplies uncompromising quality. This is what our customers expect from us. Therefore, HS Luftfilterbau GmbH implemented a highly effective quality and environmental management system. Continuous improvement processes are part of our company culture and ensure that all processes lead to satisfaction of the concerning parties. Our core ideals are founded on our ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 and KTA 1401 cerzified quality assurance system.

Cleanroom / Pharma / Medical

The latest production processes e.g. in the microelectronics and pharmaceutical industries require highest degrees of purity of the environment. HS-Luftfilterbau GmbH operates ultramodern production and test facilities for HEPA, ULPA and molecular filters to maintain clean and sterile enviroments. All our products are intensively tested according to internationals standards before leaving our factory.

HVAC / Ventilation

Clean air and healthy climate affect the well being of people. HS Luftfilterbau GmbH offers a comprehensive range of high quality air filters ensure optimum ventilation of working, residential, commercial and office spaces. A careful choice of materials guarantees energy and economic efficiency.

Relaunch of our website

HS Luftfilterbau GmbH has 38 years experience in the field of filter technology. This renders us some kind of a veteran in the filter market but we still regard ourselves as manufacturer of highly innovative filter systems.

During this long period we have beside the production of conventional standard products also developed countless customized special solutions designed for different applications.

Back in 1996 our website was one of the first in the german filter market. Moreover, we were the first German manufacturer who made all it's filter product information availabele on the Internet without any restrictions before other's even saw the potential of the global network.

It is always our aim to provide good and easy to understand information about our products and filter technology. For this claim, we have formulated in early 2012, the goal of a complete modernization of our site. In particular, the scalability of the information presented to our users was of great importance to reduce the informational overload some viewer's might have experienced with our former  design.

Our thanks to the pioneering implementation of our vision goes to:

DECKZWEI — Büro für visuelle Kommunikation
