Ultimate performance: HS-Deka Pak
Classical development targets in the development of air filters are to achieve higher air performance with less energy consumption combined with longer filter service life and maximum efficiency.
HS-Deka Pak compact filters are another milestone on this road. This compact filter generation offers at a depth of 420 mm more than twice the filter area compared to conventional compact filters with a depth of only 292 mm.
Therefore the initial and operational pressure drop is up to 40% lower. Process air applications in harsh operating environments benefit from the significantly longer life. HS-Deka Pak filters of course fulfill the conditions for energy class A compareable with the Eurovent 4/11 rating model. HS Deka Pak are avialiable in classes EN779: 2012 M6 to F9 with both glass fibre and and with synthetic filtermedia and fit the standard mounting frames for compact filter.
HS-Deka Pak are available in following sizes:
- 592 x 592 x 420 mm
- 592 x 490 x 420 mm
- 592 x 287 x 420 mm

Eye catching performance: HS-Deka Pak compared to HS-Mikro Pak.