Energy Efficient Design

The effective utilization of resources and the sustainable use of our environment are a requirement of our time. HS-Luftfilterbau GmbH stirves to optimzie it's ISO 14001 certified production by the useage of innovative materials and to increase the energy efficiency of our products. Most of our prodcuts haven proven in the field that high filtration efficiency does not exclude a reduction of the operational costs.


HS Luftfilterbau supplies uncompromising quality. This is what our customers expect from us. Therefore, HS Luftfilterbau GmbH implemented a highly effective quality and environmental management system. Continuous improvement processes are part of our company culture and ensure that all processes lead to satisfaction of the concerning parties. Our core ideals are founded on our ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 and KTA 1401 cerzified quality assurance system.

Cleanroom / Pharma / Medical

The latest production processes e.g. in the microelectronics and pharmaceutical industries require highest degrees of purity of the environment. HS-Luftfilterbau GmbH operates ultramodern production and test facilities for HEPA, ULPA and molecular filters to maintain clean and sterile enviroments. All our products are intensively tested according to internationals standards before leaving our factory.

HVAC / Ventilation

Clean air and healthy climate affect the well being of people. HS Luftfilterbau GmbH offers a comprehensive range of high quality air filters ensure optimum ventilation of working, residential, commercial and office spaces. A careful choice of materials guarantees energy and economic efficiency.

HS-Nano: the next HEPA / ULPA generation

We are professionals in producing HEPA and ULPA filters for more than 40 years now. Our experience with ePTFE membrane technology reaches back more than a decade.

Our latest developments in HEPA / ULPA membrane technology will take the outstanding performance from niche implementations in the microelectronic industy to wide fields of common customer applications. 

So far the difficulties to quality such filters in-situ with oil based aerosols is one of the main reasons why these innovative and energy saving filtertypes have not yet reached the popularity they could have.

The qualifying test on site is often a compelling requirement to maintain stable clean air processes, a requirement for approval and obligatory for certified processes. The tests are generally carried out in a way that oil-based aerosols are applied to the filter while photometer or discrete particle counters measure the efficiency of the installed filters. Depending on the measuring method there are remarkable aerosol concentrations generated and disposed in the filter to be qualified. Conventional PTFE media filters are usually sensitive to oils, which normally leads to an irreversible increase of  the pressure drop with the usual test methods. This may negate the significant advantage of PTFE filters during the qualification.

We as manufacturer are using monodisperse PSL solid aerosol to perform final filter tests according to EN1822 for this kind of filters to avoid affecting the PTFE's performance. But many cleanroom areas are underlying international regulations ( GMP, FDA etc.) which prescribe and demand oil based aerosols for in-situ testing without allowing alternative test methods.  Thus, the use of the advantageous PTFE media based HEPA and ULPA filters can be problematic due to the pressure increase on the qualification run.

HS-Luftfilterbau GmbH developed a revolutionary new filter series based on ePTFE filter media which is resistant against common oil based test aerosols(DEHS, PAO, DOP, etc.)  applied for in-situ testing called HS-Nano SF-AL.

HS-Nano SF-AL type filters performance will not be affected by typical "field-testing" with oily aerosols. This allows customers from medical, food or other lifescience areas to profit from the outstanding performance of membrane based HEPA and ULPA filters.

Our HEPA / ULPA filter of type HS-Nano SF-AL are available from August 2016 and offer outstanding features up to filter class EN1822 U16 / ISO 29463 ISO65U such as:

Please contat our international sales for more informations.
