High efficient EPA and HEPA filters with classical aluminum spacer technology. Loads of different options are availiable.
Filtercells made from micro glass fiber media and curved aluminum spacers. Filters are versatile applicable for process protection in industry and technology. The use of aluminum spacers allows more options e.g.: cleanable filter media for up to 10.000 cleaning cycles, high temperature filters or electrical grounding for explosion protection.
Standard: Filter class H13 (HS-Mikro S) or E11 (HS-MiKro R) in accordance with. EN 1822, with MDF framework and a foamed, non-porous seal.
Options: Metal frame, special seals, div. Filter classes (E11 - U15), grasp protection, handles, grounding, flanges, dedustable filter media, high temperature filters (to 250°C), etc. possible.
HS-Mikro S or HS-Mikro R are temperature resistant to approx. 120°C or 250°C with r.H. up to 100 %