mobile filter leak test equipment to test HEPA filters prior to their installation
For changing filters at safety relevant systems it is reccomended to perform a leak test with HEPA filters either after installation or just before mounting. Beside the usual particle measures with optical or CPC counters there's also the option to perform an oil fog test according to EN1822-4 to prove the integrity of the filter.
HS-Luftfilterbau GmbH offers a mobile and robust testsystem which gives reliable results. The HS-Fogtester consists of a rigid stainless corpuis and easy to handle oilfognenerators. The fog is generated from parafinoil and has a major particle concentration at 0,2 - 0,5 µm. The fog is pressed throgh the filter by compressed air. A special lightsource is provided with the tester to iluminate and visualize penetrating particles against a contrast surface in the back of the tester.
All leakages of HEPA filters in EN1822 classes H13 and H14 can be detected by this method quick and securely.
Filters of lower classes such as finedust and EPA filters can't be tested successfully due to their high penetration rate. This test should not be used for filters of classes of EN 1822 U15 and higher.
This testsystem requires in opposition to ususal particlecounters extremely low maintenance, is very robust and is not required to be calibrated.